The Awards Committee is responsible for selecting award recipients according to established criteria for the following ASHT awards:
- Nathalie Barr Lectureship Award
- Paul Brand Award
- Honorary Membership Award
- Lifetime Fellowship Award
- Joy MacDermid Lifetime Scientific Achievement Award
- Best Grassroots Effort Award
- Emerging Hand Therapist Award
- Hall of Fame Award
This committee is not responsible for ASHT Volunteer Recognition Awards (President’s Award, Gold Award, Outstanding Service Award) or ASHT Research Awards.
ASHT is seeking up to three Active, Associate or Affiliate members to serve three-year terms.
The committee will prepare an awards slate to present to the ASHT Board of Directors for approval, review and adhere to the awards calendar, solicit nominations and letters of recommendation, appraise documentation of each nominee and review credentials, participate in a conference call(s) to discuss nominees and maintain confidentiality throughout the process. Upon completion, the committee will note any proposed process changes and submit to committee chair for Board consideration. The majority of committee work takes place between May and August.